Monday, November 30, 2009

from sharon

...tO my dEar...

...haPPy 22nd bfDay...


...maY aLL ur dreAms c0me...


...maY ur whIte hoRse pRince f0unD u so0n...


...maY uR daYs b fiLLed with laughter,sunsHine,rainBow,sWeets and cAndy...


...maY u sTay happY everyDay...


...May u kOngxu nO mOre...


...MaY u becOme a greaT doctor 1 daY...


...maY aLL ur sorrOws be swePt awaY...


...sTay preTTy alWays...


...dun JuSt c0unt Ur yeaRs..make It counT...

-10- more,driNk more n Play moRe...


...sTay heaLthy too...


...nO moRe hOmesick toO...


...maY aLL ur worriEs go aWay...


...A simple calculation on how long we will be friends...cOunt the starS in heaven+sand on shore multipled by the heartbeats = forever!...


...LoVe u aLways...


...maY u haV ntg to wHine...


...maKe ur mOm's sacRifice n pAin 22 years aGo coUnt n wOrth it...


...Count your life by smiles, not tears...Count your age by friends, not years....


...May each N every passing year bring you wisdom, peace and chEer...


...Age is not a destination. It's a journey!...maY ur j0urneY B a w0nderFul 1...


...God bLess u aLways...


...lasTly,haV a BlasT toDay...

-with lOve,kisseS N huGss-

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