Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My LoMo Experience

My first film with my Diana Mini was a total disaster... i've never seen photos so distorted before. here are some of the few more 'acceptable' ones to me, and perhaps, not to you hahaha...

In Bukit Tinggi the place we went for a breeze walk after the final exam of year 4:

Levain, one of the places we celebrated my 23rd bday:

the interior was exotic and flattering. too bad you cant see it now, the result of not
having 'flash' for my lil Diana. perhaps i shall consider to buy one. these are some of
the 'romantic' flash-less photos taken:

Other slightly out-of-focus photos taken in inexperienced hands like mine and few more friends:

And of course, there are many more 'markedly' out-of-focus photos that i did not post here, but kept unexposed in my CD. they are jus too disastrous to be displayed here, and i shall just bury them forever, or else all other lomo fans will be resenting me for misusing the world-hit camera =)