Wednesday, January 7, 2009

i hate myself!!!

i'm not kidding but i really mean it when i write the above title.

predisposing factor?
well, i lost my handphone, AGAIN...
as u can see, this is not my first time, and i seem to be replaying the undesirable event that had occured before.

perhaps its not about the material aspect that ignited my misery and resentment towards myself, it is the personality and character of mine that initiated all those unhappy events.

recently i have been reflecting a lot upon myself... how long it takes for me to get rid of my clumsiness and absent-minded behaviours that are making who am i today? perhaps i am not that fit for this career, as i wonder what kind of doctor i will become in the future if i am to carry these freckles in days to come. p/s: pls don't say that i think too much, it's really a big issue to me.

i understand the fact that everyone has his or her strenght and weaknesses, and of course nobody is perfect, but i just cannot stop myself fr thinking of the consequence if i am to behave like this in the future.

well, maybe i should think in the positive side from this event..
sometimes when u lose something u'l get some other things in return..
i know it's just a way to deceive myself but i rather think so if it makes me feel better, hahaha.

i gues i'm falling into unconscious state in afew minutes' time so its better to stop here before i start crapping nonsence...

tommorow will be better (hopefully)...

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